iForm Specifics
We want to offer our customers the opportunity for their patients to have comfortable lenses that meet their visual needs. We have some great free-form options that are perfect for specific uses.

A lens for office and computer work, iFormâ„¢ Workspace lenses offer extremely wide intermediate and near vision zones. These lenses are made to comfortably position your neck and head to view the desk and computer clearly.
These lenses incorporate IOT Digital Ray-Path 2 calculation technology, making them fully customizable and reducing oblique aberrations to further expand the wearer´s visual range.
Workspace Specifics Benefits:
- Maximum intermediate and near visual fields.
- Improved postural ergonomics avoiding unnecessary head movements.
- Comfortable and precise focusing, especially when using electronic devices.
- Excellent dynamic vision, easy transition between near and intermediate visual fields.
- Immediate adaptation.
- Near elimination of peripheral blur.
- Superior visual quality when using digital devices

Clear vision from 35 cm to 1.3 m / 14 in to 4.2 ft
When clear vision is required at desk level, prolonged use at very near distances.
Ideal wearer:
Presbyopes who work in a small space and spend a significant amount of time focusing on very near distances. For example, office workers who spend most of their time viewing monitors on a desk.
Clear vision from 35 cm to 2 m / 14 in to 6.5 ft
When clear vision is required at desk level, prolonged use at intermediate and near distances.
Ideal wearer:
Presbyopes who work in a room-sized space and spend a significant amount of time focusing at intermediate and near distances. For example, office workers who utilize monitors but have a need to view another person at a conversational distance.
Clear vision from 35 cm to 4 m / 14 in to 13.1 ft
When clear vision is required in a room-sized space and extra viewing is needed at intermediate and near distances.
Ideal wearer:
Presbyopes who work in a larger space and spend time focusing on intermediate and near distances. For example, people who utilize monitors and have a need to view another person at a conversational distance and move about their workspace.

Lenses designed for frequent drivers, the iFormâ„¢ Drive Specifics incorporates a night vision zone that compensates for refractive error difference between day and night, reduces visual fatigue, and has a wide visual zone.
By incorporating IOT Digital Ray-Path 2 Technology, the lens optimization process takes into account the wearer’s accommodative ability to focus on different distances. The level of customization is therefore much more sophisticated and effective than previous methods.
Key Benefits:
- Improves the visual experience of the wearer when driving in daytime and nighttime conditions.
- Compensates for the effects of night myopia with a unique zone to provide better focus.
- Optimized vision for a better view of the dashboard and mirrors.
- Reduces visual fatigue symptoms when driving at night.
- Greater visual acuity for easy focus and more agile eye movement.
Progression profile: This lens incorporates extra negative power (up to 0.25 D) in the upper area of the lens to compensate for the effects of night myopia.
Unwanted astigmatism: Have a maximum astigmatism level 14.6% lower than that of general-use premium progressive lenses. This improves vision in the peripheral areas of the lens and increases the visual range.
Unique Configuration:Â Are 70% wider in the distance and 45% in the upper-intermediate when compared to premium general-use lenses. Wearers will enjoy expanded views of the road, dashboard, and mirrors.
Digital Ray-Path is a registered trademark of Indizen Optical Technologies S.L.U.
Camber is a trademark of Younger Mfg. Co.
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